Once again the snow gods held on to the white gold and snowmobiling and grooming came to an end for van dad in early March. This gave him the opportunity to start building a cabinet. This would have sliding drawers as well as have a frame for the isotherm refrigerator/freezer. Hours of you tube research went into this portion of my build. Van dad built the framework out of an aluminum product called 80/20, a.k.a. and adult erector set. Seeing as van dad never had an erector set as a kid, he was really looking forward to working with this product. The drawer slides came as a kit, which made for an easy assembly. The counter top was plywood with a thick epoxy coating.
80/20 framework counter top one of several drawers
This work was all done in Grand Marais. When it was time for the big trip south, it was all loaded up in the pickup and taken to Grand Ledge for installation.
measure twice securing the framework to the wall best thing ever, the frig/freezer
In usual van dad fashion, there was a small time window in which to drive from Grand Marais to Grand Ledge, install the new updates, load up for a undetermined amount of time away, and then hit the road so van mom could be at bike camp in Alabama on March 20th. Van mom just keeps her thoughts to herself and knows it will all work out and of course it did.
loaded up for bike camp and more next project is to secure drawers for the road