Friday April 22, 2022
It is funny how things work out. I really have never been a big fan of riding a rail trail, but now that Mike has an E bike I have a new appreciation. These trails are a great way to get outside, move, see some cool stuff and do it together at a pace that we both enjoy. The different trail systems also provide us with a destination and an activity. The Tunnel Hill Trail was our next ride. We would plan on riding this trail on Saturday as it was a bit to far to get to in one day. We set out Friday morning crossing Missouri on Hwy 60 heading for southern Illinois. Missouri is a beautiful state. So expansive and lots of cattle dotting the hillsides, as well as all those gorgeous redbuds.
It took me quite a bit to find our camp spot for the night. I was trying book a site through the Illinois State Park web site and couldn’t get it done. I found it hard to believe the parks were full this early in the season, so made several phone calls. I did get someone to return my phone call. Turns out you have to book a state park site 3 days in advance. As I was attempting a same day reservation, the web site just kept showing “no sites available” This is good to know for the future.
I got a site a Fort Massac State Park located on the banks of the Ohio River. It was somewhat unremarkable . Sitting so close to the Ohio, it was quite wet, with standing water between most of the sites and it had that stinky, it floods here a lot, kind of smell. The bugs must be unbearable once the heat kicks in. It served it purpose and we only had a 30 minute drive the next morning to the trail head.
checking out an old disc off one of the trails in the park
might be something special