Texas Bound Fall 2022

We left sunny, warm Grand Ledge knowing we wanted to end up in Texas at our daughters, but totally unsure of which direction we wanted to take to get there. We hopped on I 69 and headed for Ft. Wayne knowing we had a couple hours to make a decision. Our future travels appear to be Michigan to Florida, as that is the direction our daughters family is eventually headed. So with that, we turned west from Ft Wayne.

Enjoyed sunny skies and fall harvest in full swing as we crossed Indiana into Illinois. We landed at Moraine View State Recreation Area. We had no idea what a moraine was until reading the park brochure. When the glaciers moved through central Illinois they pushed massive amounts of rock and earth before them, leaving in their wake long and expansive ridges. These irregular crests are called moraines. Their gentle swells and broad valleys are dotted with groves of white oak, red oak, black walnut, maple hickory, ash and elm (wording taken right from the brochure). This SRA was beautiful and affordable, just $20 per night, included electric and had a decent bathhouse. It was obvious that this park had some recent extensive upgrades. I was able to walk the circumference of Dawson Lake, which is the centerpiece of the park, before dinner. Very therapeutic after hours on the road.

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