Wednesday October 26th 2022
Woke up on the top of the hill with a view and ended the day in the bottom of a canyon with no view at all. Got a very late start on this beautiful morning. A workout, shower and breakfast take a bit of time, but we were not in a hurry to leave this park. The sunrise was spectacular and we enjoyed watching a large flock of pelicans out on the lake while drinking our coffee.
Continued south out of Kansas into Oklahoma. Those feelings that you have about a place that I spoke of earlier, I have those feelings about Oklahoma. Not sure why I do not like this state, but I am always to leave.
We checked out a couple of parks before deciding to stay at Red Rock Canyon State Park. The name is a bit of a misnomer, as it is now privately run. Note to self, when the name pretty much describes your surroundings and you don’t like being shut in with no view, pass on parks with canyon in the name. This park needed some love. Everything was pretty old and run down. It was quiet and served its purpose for us. If we liked to do rappelling it would have been a home run.