Cutter 2.0

This is a follow up on Twisters pasture mate, Cutter. The deal between the former owner and Texas daughter was that she had to agree to take both horses, Twister and and her pasture mate, Cutter. He paid the shipping costs and told her that if Cutter didn’t work out, then she was free to find her another home. Cutter […]

Texas part two

Van dad and mom made it back safe and sound and are now planning the journey back to Michigan., but not before enjoying the Texas Star and her family for another week. I will let the pictures do the talking

Texas Hill Country

Staying two nights at Cowboys and Angels gave van dad and mom time to relax and take me on a leisurely ride on some great motorcycle roads. It also gave van dad time to check out the various old farm implements that decorated the property. He was especially pleased to determine that the two bottom plow was a Case plow. […]

Leaving far west Texas

It was with much disappointment that we saddled up and left Fort Davis. This area had much to explore but time did not allow. That is a the downside to making reservations, you have travel within their confines. The day started foggy and damp and deteriorated from there. The rain makes it hard for van mom to navigate from her […]

Big Bend=Big Day part two

After leaving Big Bend National Park we headed towards Big Bend Ranch State Park and Texas FM 170. Big Bend Ranch State Park is quite a bit larger than the nearby National Park. We were specifically looking to ride Texas Farm to Market 170. This road is a magical journey along the Rio Grande and is known for being the […]

Big Bend=Big Day

With only one full day to spend in Big Bend National Park, the parental units were up and at em at the butt crack of dawn. The landscape didn’t change much, except for the border patrol station, until just outside the park. The entrance booth to the park was unmanned. The plan was to buy a Senior National Parks pass, […]

West Texas

Day two dawned bright with a forecast of 70 degrees. Gosh darn, the weatherman was off by nearly 15 degrees…in the wrong direction.! This wasn’t van dad and moms first rodeo. Even though they were riding way down south, they still packed ALL their gear, including van moms heated jacket and pants. With a stop to put on warmer gear […]

A trip within a trip

Van dad and mom found themselves in Texas with not only moi, but Beamer as well. This provided them with the perfect opportunity to take a long motorcycle trip. I would stay on the farmstead and be entertained by the Texas Star who is constantly on the move and runs a verbal narrative at the same time. I am going […]